Jonathan H. Jiang Prize for Fundamental Science (Math, Physics, Chemistry)基础科学奖(数学、物理、化学)
Named by Dr. Jonathan H. Jiang (JHJ), the JHJ Prize for Fundamental Science is created to identify and encourage early talents in basic research in field of mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

All-Earth Citizens Foundation Chairman Inauguration Speech
Jonathan H. Jiang, December 3, 2022
Dear friends, honorable guests, children, thank you!
Today, it's my great honor to serve you as the president of the All-Earth Citizens Foundation.
What is all-Earth? Look at this image Earth, taking by a camera on JPL’s Mars Rover on the red planet. We are the citizens on this planet, on this tiny dot.
Who we are? We are human civilization in a magnificent Cosmos!

避免”大过滤器”: 外星生命和人类在宇宙中的未来
避免”大过滤器”: 外星生命和人类在宇宙中的未来
我们的宇宙是一个巨大而诱人的谜团, 一个唤起人类与生俱来的谜团和万古的好奇心。迄今为止,关于外星生命的搜寻问题一直没有确切的结果,即使我们近年来取得的突破性的技术进展。