AEC Events

TEDEd Student Talks Showcase Event
TED-Ed Student Talks Showcase
Time: August 27, 2023 4:30pm-7:30pm PDT
Address: 14301 Yale Ave, Irvine, CA 92604
We are thrilled to announce that AEC Foundation is hosting the TED-Ed Student Talks showcase, an initiative designed platform for students to share their unique ideas and perspectives. Just like the renowned TED Talks, TED-Ed Student Talks are focused on spreading innovative ideas, sparking curiosity, and fostering critical thinking among young individuals. AEC Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2018, with a mission to develop youth into global leaders and innovators by providing mentorship, training, and opportunities to engage in service learning.

AEC Foundation UN SDGs Summer Camp
The UN SDGs Summer is a distinct hands-on summer experience orchestrated by a team of educational specialists from AEC, volunteer professors, and experts from SCCAEPA. Our program is designed to inspire and empower students to spark change in their communities with The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
Through fully immersive thematic camps, students will explore a wealth of knowledge, conduct in-depth research on scientific information articles, and discuss pressing environmental and global issues. This dynamic and comprehensive learning experience will equip participants with skills and tools to propose innovative solutions to real-world problems. And, to top it off, they will have the opportunity to present their summer achievements to an expert panel, showcasing their newfound skills and knowledge.
But that's not all! For those with a passion for public speaking and film production, students can also enroll in boot camps following the main themed camps. These dedicated sessions offer students the opportunity to participate in our inaugural TEDEd Student Talks event. Students can showcase their support and commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals through captivating speeches and short films, sharing their passion with a global TEDEd Student Talks audience.
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn, grow, and make a real difference. Join us this summer for the 2023 UN SDGs Summer Program, and let's work together towards a better, more sustainable world!

Service Learning and Leadership Forum
2023 International Earth Day “Invest in the Planet” Special Event
Southern California Youth Service Learning and Leadership Forum
RSVP Here by April 21th, 2023, 11:59 pm to confirm your attendance
Time: April 22, 2023
Location: Back Bay Conference Center, 3415 Michelson Drive, Irvine CA92612
Purpose: AEC Youth Service Learning and Leadership Forum (YSLL) is coordinated across Southern California by volunteers from local businesses, civic groups, nonprofit organizations, mentors and coaches for students to grow as inspired, confident leaders. This 3-4 -hour workshop for 100 southern California high school students will be hosted on April 22, Saturday, 2023. At the conclusion of the forum, AEC will present a special opportunity for student and school involvement with the Message in a Bottle space project through California Institute of Technology. Students will also be able to apply for the President Volunteer Service Award through AEC.
Aims and Objectives:
Collaborate with like-minded student leaders seeking to have impact and be impacted by their engagement with their communities
Understand the nature and key components of service learning
Explore the purposes and specific targets of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals and how to align those goals with positive action
Exchange ideas and engage in dialogue with student leaders who will present the projects they have been organized and led
Identify and share key takeaways from the workshop
After attending YSLL, students will be challenged to develop a long-term and impactful service learning project within the next year as a pledge to put their interests into action. They are encouraged to join AEC projects, school service projects, or any other service learning work.
Check more forum details here.

Earth Day Field Trip
AEC Foundation Earth Day Program Part 1
Register here
Field Trip Time: April 15th, 2:00 pm- 7:30 pm, 2023
Field Trip Location: CultivaLA Garden and California Institute of Technology
First Stop: 3224 Del Mar Ave, Rosemead, CA 91770
Second Stop: 1216 E California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91106, United States
Experience a real work field beyond the learning
Obtain a comprehensive view of the wide world
Have a insight into global and social issues
Gain motivation to consider the responsibilities as earth citizens
Explore Caltech and interact with professors and students from Caltech
Have the opportunity to present on AEC Earth Day Youth Service Learning and Leadership Forum
Field Trip Day Agenda
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm: Arriving and Field trip orientation
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm: Visiting CulivaLA and interacting with the founder
3:20 pm - 3:40 pm: Head to Caltech
3:45 pm - 4: 20 pm Campus tour
4:20 pm - 4:50 pm: Break and share
The following schedule is optional.
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm: Join Dr. Jonathan’s seminar #7 and interactive with Dr. Jonathan
7:00 pm - 7:30 pm: Free discussion and leave Caltech

Dr. Jonathan's STEAM Seminar No. 7
Weather & Climate
What is weather and how is it forecasted? Is the climate the average weather over many years? What is the impact of climate change in the future? This seminar will help deepen your understanding of weather and climate and enhance your scientific thinking.
(PDT): 2023/3/18(Sat) 5:30-7:00pm
(EDT): 2023/3/18(Sat) 8:30-10:00pm
(Beijing): 2023/3/19(Sun) 8:30-11:00am
Zoom ID: 832 9003 3937 (No passcode needed)

Dr. Jonathan's STEAM Seminar No. 6
Kiss Under The Stars
The feeling of love makes us believe that we are part of a whole Universe. Love attracts not only on the level of the individual but the universe itself is erotic, in every star, cell, flower, bird, and human body. Love is more than a survival mechanism; it is the fire breathed into the fabric of the cosmos that enkindles life, rendering life more than biological function. Consciousness of love, awareness of our desires and attention to our deepest longings that orient us toward a thread of passionate energy that winds around the embrace of persons and enters the heart of the cosmos, within every flower, plant, star, and galaxy.
(PST): 2023/2/11(Sat) 5:30-7:00pm
(EST): 2023/2/11(Sat) 8:30-10:00pm
(Beijing): 2023/2/12(Sun) 9:30-11:00am
Zoom ID: 832 9003 3937 (No passcode needed)

Dr. Jonathan's STEAM Seminar No. 4
Viewing the Earth from Space
Looking at the earth from space, what does the earth look like? Sometimes, you need a new perspective to see things in a different way. With satellite images from space, science and art can be combined to show the magnificence, beauty and wonders of our planet. Remote sensing data from earth satellites are being widely used to solve important global issues such as weather forecasting, predicting climate change, as well as monitoring and tracking disaster outbreaks. This STEAM seminar will introduce the basic principles of Earth observation from space, and application examples of space Earth observation in science and society.
December 17, 2022 5:30 -7:00pm PST
December 17, 2022 9:30-11:00am Beijing Time
Zoom ID: 832 9003 3937 (No passcode needed)

Dr. Jonathan's STEAM seminar No. 3
#AEC Foundation# Dr. Jonathan’s STEAM Seminar No. 3
Why Stars are Suns
November 12, 2022 5:30 -7:00pm PST
November 13, 2022 9:30-11:00am Beijing Time
Zoom ID: 832 9003 3937 (No passcode needed)

Dr. Jonathan's STEAM Seminar No. 2
Dr. Jonathan's STEAM Seminar No. 2
This STEAM Seminar Series will cover topics in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics to prepare the next generation for meaningful multidisciplinary careers across all industries. We teach students at all levels using real-world examples and applications as well as communicate with their parents and teachers. Students will learn valuable skill sets that will help them successfully transition into higher education, society, various industries.
#AEC Foundation#
Saturday, October 29, 2022
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM PDT

Dr. Jonathan's STEAM Seminar
ZOOM: 3131409576
Passcode: AECAEC
Are we alone in the universe? If we encounter extraterrestrial intelligence, what would we say to them? Will the human species survive to become a space-faring civilization? Come explore these and other exciting topics about humans and our place in the cosmos as we design the message that will be sent to the stars. The Perceiver STEAM Seminar Series will feature Dr. Jonathan Jiang from NASA JPL. He will discuss and explore concepts and issues from different perspectives including physical science, social science, and political science. Through the Perceiver STEAM seminar series, students will learn how to conduct research and to think critically. Our goal is to spark students’ curiosity and empower them with a comprehensive skill set to pursue a meaningful higher education and careers across various industries. To compliment the STEAM Seminar Series, Perceiver also offers a diverse educational platform that provides students with extensive experience through activities, internships, and projects. Our objective is to help our students gain the motivation and capabilities to shape their own futures and those of the entire human race.

Charity Concert
AEC Special Education Club Summer Charity Concert
Address: 18182 Culver Dr. Irvine, CA
Date: Saturday, July 30, 2022 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Our Special Education Club is holding this summer charity concert to raise money to support children and families with special needs in their community. This event has been organized and produced entirely by our club members who are dedicated to expanding awareness for those in need. Our young musicians and artists are not only bringing their beautiful performances, but also showcasing their care and love. Your attendance and donations are much appreciated.
Ticket price: $12
Children under 12: Free

Only One Earth/Young Californian in Action
It is a special event held on World Environment Day as well as the opening day of AEC Environment Protection Summer Camp.
Event Agenda:
Spread United Nations’ messages and introduce UN youth projects
The Southern California Chinese-American Environmental Protection Association (SCCAEPA) presentation
AEC Plastic Pollution Reduce Club presentation
AEC Renewable Urban Pioneer Club presentation
Summer Camp Opening
AEC Leadership Special Seminar
Adopting a startup mindset By Jing Xu
Jing has served over 4000 students and professionals in the past 10 years during her 4 full-time jobs and 3 startups. Aside from being an educator, Jing was a crisis counselor, former beauty pageant queen, simultaneous interpreter, dragon boat racer, among many other roles. Jing aims to inspire by facing challenges head-on.
Zoom ID: 313 140 9576, 密码: AECAEC

A journey in leadership
Oliver is a rising 2L at Harvard Law School. He is irrationally attached to UC Berkeley, where he went to college, and enjoys writing, water polo, watching soccer, and rooting for progressive governments worldwide in his spare time. He is also the founder of Asian Youth Liberty League.
Please come and join the seminar

AEC + 辣木爱心基金会与你相遇Disney GardenWalk慈善义卖跨年夜
活动时间: 2021年12月31日 下午4:30pm-9pm, 8:30pm-1am PST 地点:STC Anaheim GardenWalk 400 Disney Way, Anaheim, CA 92802
联系人: Patrick Chou(TEL562-685-3206)

AEC President's Volunteer Service Award Ceremony 2021
AEC President's Volunteer Service Award Ceremony 2021
Date & Time:
Sep 18 - 11:00AM PDT
Zoom #: 313 140 9576
Passcode: AECAEC
Emergency Contact:
(714)651-2570 (Joy)
(951)384-5486 (Dean)
Due to the concern of COVID-19, the ceremony will be held online.

AEC Sp Ed Online Seminar 2021
Date & Time:
US - Aug 21, 7 PM PDT | CHINA - Aug 22, 10 AM
We are excited to introduce our AEC Special Education 2021 project seminar. During the past summer, our student volunteers from AEC are dedicated to building a resource and network platform for children with learning disabilities. We aim at integrating social, academic and healthcare resources from China and the US, popularizing educational concepts for academic difficulties, and cooperating with professional psychologists, university professors, and developmental-behavioral pediatricians to help our children and raise awareness around learning disabilities in our communities globally. It is time to launch our platform.
7:00 - 7:05 Introduction and Welcome
7:05- 7:15 Overview of the Seminar
7:15 - 7:35 2021 Project Platform Launch
7:35 - 7:55 Chinese Special Education Summer Camp Rep
7:55 – 8:05 Guest Speak
8:05 – 8:17 Appreciation and Closing

Environmental Summer Camp
The Southern California Chinese-American Environmental Protection Association (SCCAEPA) and the Renewable Urban Pioneers (RUP) are very excited to announce the first youth environment summer camp for 2021. The camp is for middle-school and high-school students with interests in environmental topics in our community. Students will form teams to conduct self-directed research and design projects. Environmental professionals from SCCAEPA will coach the teams, provide pertinent information, and give guidance to teams’ research efforts. Students will have the opportunity to integrate the knowledge they gain from the camp into real-world environmental topics and propose their own feasible solutions. The camp will also identify each student’s leadership skill and reinforce it through the project. The project topics for this year include water resource management and conservation, groundwater issues, water treatment, and emerging contaminants. The teams will have field trip opportunities to demonstration sites located in southern California. Each team will enter into a competition by summarizing its research and findings, and presenting it to a group of judges at the end of the camp.
Learn more about the program

AEC家长论坛:妈妈的熵定律III —网络游戏给家长带来的启发
Pauline Bian - 著作:《孩子的路让她自己走》/ 上海欧美同学会前资深理事 / 上海东方大讲坛讲师
Lily Ying - 励志妈妈-女儿耶鲁本科&哈佛博士 / UCLA脑科学研究员 / 历任UCLA,亚利桑那大学数学讲师
Connie Hsu - 企业管理专家 / 纽约顶级高中家长会主席 / 华人外展会主席
现在报名获得讲座Zoom ID。

RUP Summer Camp Info Session
Join the session to gather more information about the environment summer camp program, learn about the coaches and mentors of the program.
Sat, May 22 | 4:00 PM PDT
Zoom ID: 860 7295 6712

AEC Annual Conference 2021 年度大会
We are excited to introduce our 1st Annual Conference. AEC’s mission is to develop Chinese and American students into global leaders and innovators by providing mentorship, training, and opportunities to engage in service-learning. The purpose of this conference is to share year-long projects from our scholars. The students engage in projects to gain a deeper understanding and contribute to the larger society. The conference will wrap up with AEC advisor addressing the tenants of leadership development.

AEC Webinar - How to help your kids to select summer schools? UCLA招生官带你解密美国顶尖夏校
This webinar will be in English.
Powered by Perceiver Education (
Seminar Topic:
How to help your kids to select summer schools?
Date and Time:
Jan 23 6:00-7:00 PM PST
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Roslyn Haley
UCLA 加州大学洛杉矶分校教育学博士,UCLA前招生办主任,25年美国高校招生和管理经验,曾代表官方支援建设海外高等教育体系,曾获MWW杰出专业人士奖、马奎斯世界名人录终身成就奖、UCLA员工特别成就奖等
Signup Link:

AEC Webinar - Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century
Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century
中国时间 1月17日(日)上午10:00-11:00
美西时间 1月16日(六)下午18:00-19:00
主讲嘉宾:Jason Geng
嘉宾简介:美国数据工程与科学协会主席/美国数据应用学院首席数据科学家/研究领域数据科学、机器学习、人工智能、区块链/曾任美国名企Symantec 数据科学家及大数据框架师/曾任南加大USC商学院客座教授、UCLB 客座教授
Sign-up Link:

Become a volunteer
Looking for an opportunity to develop leaderships skills? Develop organization skills? Volunteer hours? Join Us! We are committed to creating an welcoming environments for students. We have experienced mentors/coach’s that look to serve YOU and your development.