AEC Advisory Board

AEC believes that empowering young people will build a better world; therefore, we have created a ‘small hands guided by big hands’ student participation program that leverages AEC’s expertise to develop and inspire the next generation of leaders. AEC has a team of experts across diverse fields in China and the US who serve on the Advisory Board and provide students with strong guidance on how to utilize resources.


Dr. Liping Yan

University of Southern California - Ph.D. in Civil Engineering

Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers Geo-Institute specializing in geotechnical earthquake engineering

Civil Engineering Associate at Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

Teaches at UCLA, Cal Poly Pomona and Cal State Long Beach

Board member at different NGOs


Nanxian Chen

Honorary Chairman of Shenzhen Yucai Education Group

Founding Principal of Shenzhen Yucai Schools

Honorary President at Shenzhen Learning Disorders Association

Independent Director at ISS-LINK

China National Excellent Educator


Dr. Lijun He

Indiana University - Ph.D. in Philanthropic Studies

Financial Advisor to high net-worth individuals and Senior Strategy Advisor on Philanthropy

Assistant Professor at universities in US and China

Guest writer For China Fortune Magazine, Southern China Media Group, etc.

Board member at different NGOs


Dr. Yue Rong

UCLA - Ph.D. in Environmental Health Sciences

Environmental Program Manager at the California Environmental Protection Agency, Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board

Received the 2011 AEHS Foundation Achievement Award

Received the 2019 “Earth Caretaker” Award by the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Board member at different NGOs


Pauline Bian

Senior board member of Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association

Lecturer at SMG (Shanghai Media Group) Lecture Series

Author of Make Their Own Path in Life


Connie Hsu

Business management specialist

President of Stuyvesant High School Parents’ Association

President of Chinese Outreach Association


Nan Luo

Senior Staff System Architect of lidar sensing for autonomous driving at Continental Group

Director of Board of Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST-TX) for promoting entrepreneurship

Engineering manager and principal optics engineer for advanced photonic and fiber-optic telecommunication products

Member of Optical Society of America (OSA), published and holds multiple


Dr. Yiwen Fang

University of California, Los Angeles - Ph.D. in Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology ,UCLA

B.Sc in Biology from Beijing University

Professor in Biology Department, Cal State Los Angeles


Dr. Paulo Tan

Indiana University - Ph.D. in Special Education

Faculty Member in the Urban Teachers Program at Johns Hopkins University

Lead-author of the Book Humanizing Disability in Mathematics Education: Forging New Paths.


AEC Advisor Events


Making Caring Common

Speaker: Dr. Lijun He

Date: June 12th, 2020

让关爱践行Making Caring Common-公益活动与青少年成长之路 在社会问题日益突出的今天,是时候静下心来,一起来看看‘做好社会公民、积极参与公益活动’在美国社会的意义是什么?为什么与青少年教育及成长息息相关?我们又能做什么? AEC很荣幸邀请到中美知名慈善研究学者/前西雅图大学慈善学教授Dr. Lijun He为各位家长们和学生们一同分享这个话题。

Foresee 2030 - The Development & Future of Self-Driving Car

Speaker: Mr. Luo Nan

Date: Nov 14th, 2020

  • 无人驾驶原理- 如何搜集信息并透过AI进行决策和行驶?

  • 激光雷达原理和应用

  • TOF测量周边物体的距离

  • Google、百度及Tesla企业在无人驾驶进展

  • 2030展望 -Level5全天候自动驾驶 - 给青少年建议-现在该如何参与学习?

Join AEC as an advisor!

Looking for an opportunity to develop leaderships skills? Develop organization skills? Volunteer hours? Join Us! We are committed to creating an welcoming environments for students. We have experienced mentors/coach’s that look to serve YOU and your development.