Environmental Summer Camp
June 24 - August 4, 2021
The Southern California Chinese-American Environmental Protection Association (SCCAEPA) and the American Educated Chinese Foundation (AEC) are very excited to announce the first youth environment summer camp for 2021. The camp is for middle-school and high-school students with interests in environmental topics in our community. Students will form teams to conduct self-directed research and design projects. Environmental professionals from SCCAEPA will coach the teams, provide pertinent information, and give guidance to teams’ research efforts. Students will have the opportunity to integrate the knowledge they gain from the camp into real-world environmental topics and propose their own feasible solutions. The camp will also identify each student’s leadership skill and reinforce it through the project. The project topics for this year include water resource management and conservation, groundwater issues, water treatment, and emerging contaminants. The teams will have field trip opportunities to demonstration sites located in southern California. Each team will enter into a competition by summarizing its research and findings, and presenting them to a group of judges at the end of the camp.
Program Fee:
Program Date:
June 24 – August 4, 2021
G7 to G12 students in Southern California who have independent study ability
Program Schedule:
Weekly Classes (Wednesday 7-8 PM) + Topic Workshops/Fieldtrip (1-2 hours per week)
<= Info Session Recording
Watch the info session to gather more information about the environment summer camp program, learn about the coaches and mentors of the program.
Program Topics
(Every student can choose one topic to concentrate in)
Surface Water Management
The theme consists of four field sites in Orange County, covering four different but related topics: integrated water resources management (Anaheim); stormwater management and low impact development (Orange); natural water quality treatment system (Irvine), and innovative water quality improvement project (Irvine).
Coach: Dr. Jian Peng, Nan Jia, and Stella Shao
Meeting time: 6/30 - 7/28 Fr 9-10:30 AM
Microalgae and Water Treatment
Microalgae is a promising sustainable biotechnology to remove pollutants in wastewater. While consuming wastes, they can be harvested as renewable energy for many purposes. This novel biotechnology can either be a sole treatment process or an additional process to be implemented into the existing wastewater treatment plants for improving water quality. (Maybe have a field trip to one of Jian’s sites).
Coaches: Kexin Shen, Wensi Li, and Xin Ai
Meeting time: 6/27 - 8/1 Th 4-5 PM
Methane in Groundwater
In April 2019, Ventura county supervisors decided to Oil and Gas Operation new application on hold due to concerns of its operation impact on groundwater quality and usage. This decision was based on a study by US Geological Survey (USGS), which found some methane concentrations in the Fox Canyon aquifer where the water was used for irrigation and agriculture. The next question will be where the methane comes from? Is it from the oil and gas operation, or from the natural occurrence? This project is to study the methane background concentrations in groundwater in Ventura county area that may have resulted from the natural occurrence.
Coach: Dr. Yue Rong
Meeting time: 7/1 - 7/29 Th 7 - 8 PM
Water Conservation, California Native Plants, and You
This project-based learning camp will have students form teams in a self-directed research and design project. The students will be provided pertinent information by the Coach, which they will integrate with their researched information. Students will use their new knowledge and skills to design a water-saving garden landscape, using California native plants. Each team will give a presentation on their water-saving landscape design at the end of the summer camp.
Coaches: Dr. Yiping Cao and Donna Chen
Meeting time: 7/1 - 7/29 Th 7-8 PM
Emerging contaminants – Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
PFAS is a family of more than 3,000 man-made and mostly unregulated chemicals. PFAS are manufactured globally and have been used in the production of a wide range of industrial and household products. As depicted in the 2019 movie “Dark Waters”, the release of PFAS into our environment has been widely spread and caused serious risk to human health and the environment. This summer camp project is intended to provide an opportunity for your young talents to learn everything important about PFAS, and collaborate as a group of future policy maker, scientists, engineers, lawyers, and business leaders to come out with a solution for one of the greatest evolving environmental challenges in modern societies.
Coach: Jeffrey Hu
Meeting time: 6/28 - 8/2 Mo 4 - 5 PM (no class on 7/5)
Program Coaches
Dr. Scarlett Xihong Zhai
Jacky Chen
Dr. Jian Peng
Kexin Shen
Wensi Li
Xin Ai
Dr. Yue Rong
Dr. Yiping Cao
Donna Chen
Nan Jia, PE
G. Jeffrey Hu
Stella Shao, EIT CPSWQ QSP/D
Final Contest Judges
Dr. Chawn Y. (CY) Jeng
Dr. Guojing Liu
Dr. Elaine Shen
Dr. Lei Xu
Dr. Zhong Xiong
Southern California Chinese American Environmental Protection Association
Southern California Chinese Environmental Protection Association (AKA SCCAEPA) is a nonprofit professional organization, the Association was founded in 1991, whose purpose is to promote environmental awareness in the Chinese community knowledge, improve communication between members, to participate in and serve the environmental community, and the Chinese community. The association has more than 350 members, most of them are working in the United States government agencies, academia, and environmental consulting company, including scientists, engineers, and government commissioner, more than 90% of the members have master's or doctoral degree.
American Educated Chinese Foundation
Founded in 2018, American Educated Chinese Foundation (AEC) is a nonprofit organization and a Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award. Our mission is to develop Chinese and American students into global leaders and innovators by providing mentorship, training, and opportunities to engage in service learning.
If you have any questions about the program,
please feel free to contact us through
Andy.xiao@usperceiver.com (Email) / (949)678-9289 (Phone/WeChat)