Shared values and pursue one dream for All-Earth Citizens

Shared values and pursue one dream for All-Earth Citizens


Jonathan H. Jiang, AEC Chairman, 01/16/2023

Today is the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 60 years ago Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial gave the world a vision of unity, peace and hope

He declared this note was a promise "that all men, black men as well as white men — would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

He laid out a vision where people could come together under our shared values and pursue one Dream. In this Dream, values, not race, come first. We are finally recognizing that the human race transcends racial categories, as well all share common ancestry going back to the birth of mankind. It’s a spiritual and scientific fact that humanity is one blood/one human race. 

Let’s embrace the truth that we are the one-blood human race. We can never be strong, great, or independent when it fails to uphold the dignity of all human, from the womb to the tomb and beyond.

This is the blueprint for all-Earth citizens today, and this is the vision we need for as to unite as one people. Then, and only then, can Martin Luther King’s dream be fully realized in every generation as we embrace life and human dignity.

Then we can join hands and sing the words Martin Luther King's proclaimed from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial 60 years ago: "Free at last, free at last, we are free at last!"

 今天是一年一度的马丁路德金的纪念日。60年前马丁路德金站在林肯纪念堂的台阶上发表的“我有一个梦想”的演说 向全世界展示了团结、和平和希望的愿景。

他在讲话中说, “所有人,包括黑人和白人 — 都 将得到不可剥夺的生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。”

他提出了一个愿景,即人们可以在我们共同的价值观下走到一起,追求一个梦想。在这个梦想中,价值观而非种族是第一位的。我们终于认识到人类超越了种族范畴, 并且所有人都拥有共同的祖先, 可以追溯到人类的诞生。 人类是一个血统/一个人类种族,这是一个精神和科学事实。

这种对自由的拥抱, 以及每个人追求自己梦想的能力, 是一种能为全人类带来希望和团结的愿景。当我们把梦想共同理解作为一个民族团结起来时, 我们的心中就没有偏见的余地。

这也是让当今每个世界公民的蓝图, 是我们需要互相友爱团结一致的愿景。只有这样, 当我们拥抱生命和人类尊严时, 马丁路德金的的梦想才能在每一代人中得到充分实现。只有这样, 我们才可以携手呼出近 60 年前马丁路德金在林肯纪念堂的台阶上的宣告:“终于自由了,终于自由了。我们终于自由了。”




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