Plastic Pollution Reduction
Our Mission
Action timeline: February - June 2030
Over eight million metric tons of plastic waste enters our oceans every year, the issue of plastic pollution is endemic. Our effort will culminate in a paper and presentation regarding the dangers of microplastics on our oceanic trophic pyramid. We will add our voices and targeted research to the growing conversation about combating global plastic pollution.
Research on Health Impacts of Microplastics
Exists all around us
Products, Food, Bodily Organs
Threat to human health
Affects on marine food chain
Spread awareness of microplastics
Plastics dumped into the Ocean per year:
over 300 million tons
Zooplankton and blue whales are all victims of microplastics
Action Plan I
Short Term - Study the effects
General research on the topic of plastic polution
Focused in on the rising harm of Microplastics on the Marine Eco-system
Ultimately ending up in the human body
Health Hazards
To combate the rising issue caused by increasing plastic pollution gobally
Action Plan II
Long Term - Advocate For Change
Spread the knowledge through articles and seminars
Field trips & Laboratory researches
Partner with government agencies and NGOs